World Finals October 2nd, I left Redding at about 8 AM in my
rented Mazda 2 to journey to the Bonneville Salt Flats again take in the event.
The meet ran from Wednesday through Saturday AM. I enjoyed visiting with
longtime friends and watch the competitors seek speed. The Redding Shasta
Roadster’s Denton Hollifield joined me in the Bonneville 200 MPH Club driving
the Paul Ogden ‘68 Barracuda AA/BGC (528 cu in Turbocharged Chrysler),
qualifying at 242 mph and returning on the record run at 256 mph with an average
record speed of 249 mph. The fastest car of the meet was the astonishing "Black Salt Racing" Triumph C/BMS (Blown Modified Sport -368 cu in Turbocharged Chevrolet motor), driven by owner, Keith Copeland. Last year this car set the record @ 305 mph, besting the "1/2 million dollar" Ferraris record by 65 mph. This year the car ran an "off-the-trailer" 372 mph...on record runs next morning it ran 306 mph due to being too lean setting the record @ 338 mph. A couple of days later it qualified at 380 mph...Saturday morning, do to some transmission shifting problems, ran 339 mph averaging 364.051 mph for the record.
The Team Vesco Racing’s #444 C/GS (368 cu in Chevrolet), after struggling most of the year trying to qualify on a 223 mph record finally ran 339.946 mph...next morning ran a bit slower and set the record @ 339.339 mph. This car first ran in 1957 running a Ford 4 cylinder engine. Over the years it has used various engines, updated on safety, aerodynamics and lengthened to it as present condition. Rick says the "It’s dad’s fault". The Vescos have a history that goes back into the early 1930s when father John began his love affair with the sport. Rick’s older brother, Don who holds the current wheel-driven record @ 458.44 mph, raced both motorcycles and landspeed cars. He succumbed to prostate cancer